I am hoping to confirm a short-duration prefix hijack of (and 
another of our prefixes) by ASN 8997 ("OJSC North-West Telecom" in Russia) in 
using ASN 3267 (Russian Federal University Network) to advertise our space to 
ASN 3277 (Regional University and Scientific Network (RUSNet) of North-Western 
and Saint-Petersburg Area of Russia).

Is that what I'm seeing when I go to "bgplay.routeviews.org/bgplay", put in 
prefix and select the dates: 

22/9/2008  9:00:00   and   22/9/2008  15:00:00

If so, am I understanding it correctly if I say ASN 3267 saw a shorter path 
from ASN 8997, so refused the proper announcement from ASN 36149 (me) it 
normally hears from ASN 174 (Cogent).

If the above two are correct, would it be correct to say only the downstream 
customers of ASN 3267 were affected?


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