On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, Daniel Senie wrote:

I do wonder whether where the Vista machines on public IPs really are. I also have to wonder if performance is really better when those users are routed over 6to4 in Europe from, say California, or whether they'd actually get better performance if they stuck in a NAT box, resulting in their using IPv4 instead?

I'd say it's very rare where IPv6 will give you better performance than IPv4 right now.

Rare = Absolutely Yes. Impossible = No :-)

Regarding where they are, I'd say all over the place. It's very common in my regional market to hand out one or more public IPs, and if the customer doesn't put their own NAT box there, then their Vista computer(s) will have public IPs and will use 6to4.

Regarding 6to4 or Teredo, I've done some testing of my own and the statelessness of 6to4 makes it avoid some of the session setup/NAT travesal magic of Teredo that slows Teredo down. I'd much rather see the NAT boxes do 6to4 and run native on their local LAN segment, than having end hosts do Teredo to get thru the NAT. It'll give the end user a better IPv6 experience.

Fully agree. Unfortunately not every NATbox/cheap-consumer-router is happy to pass on 6to4 packets to its next hop :-(

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Carlos Friac,as                                           See:
Wide Area Network Working Group (WAN)                     www.gigapix.pt
FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional     www.6deploy.org
Av. do Brasil, n.101                                      www.ipv6.eu
1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal, Europe
Tel: +351 218440100 Fax: +351 218472167                   www.fccn.pt
          The end is near........ see http://ipv4.potaroo.net
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