John Bambenek wrote:
> Something to keep in mind.  I don't believe it was McColo that was the 
> end provider of "badware" per se (and I could be proven wrong), they 
> simply played the enabling role by hosting it and looked the other way.  
> Now don't get me wrong, they ought to be kicked offline for 
> externalizing their costs on the rest of us, but what criminal charges 
> could be filed here?

Aiding and abetting and conspiracy come to mind at the very least.
Knowingly facilitating child porn should have quite a few possiblities too.

But they're really hard things to prosecute on the Internet, in the face
of the plausible deniability shields they work at so carefully to erect.

> That said, of course this information should be turned over to law 
> enforcement.  It often is.

Don't assume it hasn't already.  Previously.  Repeatedly.  And I don't
think the dust has quite settled yet.

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