> - I am building a new low-budget customer WAN/LAN network and 
> need some ideas for network management tools.

Generally this means that you have someone technical who will
work long hard hours to make things work properly.

>  I would be most comfortable with free distribution of linux, 
> but I am not sure which distro supports most of the tools?  
> Is the paid OS required for all these tools, like RedHat 
> Server or SuSe or Windows platforms?

No Linux distro organization will "support" these tools,
i.e. you have to provide your own technical support. However
the tools will run on all recent distros of Linux. In some
cases you will have to compile the tool yourself or use a
tool like "alien" to convert between .deb and .rpm packages.

Because you will be working hard to get the network management
tools working properly, I suggest that you go to
or <http://www.opensuse.org/it/> if you prefer, and get a distro
that is easy to install and manage. 

To look for tools, the best place to start is at
<http://www.caida.org/tools/> which should have a listing
of every network-related tool that exists.

--Michael Dillon

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