Joe Abley wrote:
> On 2008-12-12, at 15:02, Martin List-Petersen wrote:
>> It's a misconception of some muppets, especially in IT related
>> products, that forget, that a lot or IT professionals do travel all
>> over the world and usually have a credit card in their home country.
>> Pure and utter nonsense.
> Or perhaps the hassle of dealing with stolen US credit card numbers from
> clients outside the US costs far more money than you could hope to make
> back with the purchases of US nationals travelling overseas?
> Could well be muppets, but surely there are other possibilities.

I can understand merchants wanting the extra security, but the issue is,
that they then don't want to fork out for a MaxMind subscription or the

One of the bigger colo providers in the states is selling SSL
certificates, but their geoip data is ancient.

I even bothered to raise a ticket with them and the answer was just
"we're working with our development team on that". When I revisited 6
months later, nothing had changed.

It's not the only case, that I've ran into this issue and the US is not
the only place that credit cards are issued or used. Nor is credit
card/credit card theft a outside US only thing. It happens anywhere,
inside or outside the US. That's exactly, why the banks starting adding
the personalized password option etc.

Using outdated geoip data for merchant-services is as unprofessional as
asking people to fax a copy of their credit card to some fax number.

Kind regards,
Martin List-Petersen
Airwire - Ag Nascadh Pobal an Iarthar
Phone: 091-865 968

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