On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Jack Carrozzo wrote:

Cell networks held up reasonably well for voice, though SMS and MMS
delivery times approached an hour during the event. Switch load in
almost the entire US was higher than midnight on New Years (which is
generally the highest load of the year).

Our network has been preparing since June, and I assume likewise for others.

 Unfortunately for me Sprint did not seem to prepare or have enough
 capacity for Voice, SMS or Data access.  No live Twitter blogging!

 While I was able to get a few (maybe 5 between 10am and 2pm) text messages
 out while standing near the Washington Monument, calls and data were an
 impossibility, and SMS only seemed to have capacity available during lulls
 in the Inaugural activity.

 It was disappointing as a customer -- I'm sure that, had the capacity been
 there, the revenue from that single event would have made a significant
 impact on any of the carrier's revenue, at least for the month.

-Jack Carrozzo
(Engineer at $large cell company whose policy doesn't allow me to specify)

 (Google spills the beans!)  I'm curious if you can find out -- did the
 record traffic positively affect revenue for that period compared to last
 year at the same time, or even last week on the same day?

 And from a more technical standpoint, did your $large cell company put up
 temporary towers?  I'm curious as to how your company added capacity to
 handle the event, as well as how many "Network Busy" messages customers
 got, if any.  I know I got more of those messages than I did successful

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/

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