We're not a big verizon wireless customer, (we have been allocated a /25
for remote data access devices). We run multi-homed BGP with vw. vw says
that they must advertise 48 summarized prefixes to us, instead of just
the /25. The 48 prefixes are apparently advertised to all of the
de-aggregated users contained in the summarized 48 prefixes. Is this a
common practice? If so is it a best practice?  

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Leber [mailto:mle...@he.net] 
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 10:39 PM
To: David Conrad
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: allocation to verizon wireless

David Conrad wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Aaron Glenn wrote:
>> so if they don't deploy IPv6 then ('extremely high growth period'),
>> when will they?
> Hint: how many of the (say) Alexa top 1000 websites are IPv6 enabled?

haha, I went insane for a moment and though you said Freenix top 1000, 
and so I just checked that.  Here is the answer to the question you 
didn't ask:

Top 1000 Usenet Servers in the World
list here: http://news.anthologeek.net/top1000.current.txt
details here: http://news.anthologeek.net

1000 usenet server names
913 are potentially valid hostnames (in usenet news a server name does 
necessarily correspond directly to a hostname)
722 have ipv4 address records (A)
67 have ipv6 address records (AAAA)
9.2% of the top 1000 usenet servers have added support for ipv6

I'm sure there are more this took exactly 183 seconds of work. ;)

Here they are:

feeder.erje.net 2001:470:992a::3e19:561
feeder4.cambrium.nl 2a02:58:3:119::4:1
news.dal.ca 2001:410:a010:1:214:5eff:fe0a:4a4e
news.nonexiste.net 2002:6009:93d5::1
nrc-news.nrc.ca 2001:410:9000:2::2
news.z74.net 2001:610:637:4::211
news.kjsl.com 2001:1868:204::104
npeer.de.kpn-eurorings.net 2001:680:0:26::2
feeder6.cambrium.nl 2a02:58:3:119::6:1
feeder3.cambrium.nl 2a02:58:3:119::3:1
news.belnet.be 2001:6a8:3c80::38
feeder2.cambrium.nl 2a02:58:3:119::2:1
feeder5.cambrium.nl 2a02:58:3:119::5:1
syros.belnet.be 2001:6a8:3c80::17
vlad-tepes.bofh.it 2001:1418:13:1::5
news.stack.nl 2001:610:1108:5011:230:48ff:fe12:2794
ikarus.belnet.be 2001:6a8:3c80::38
news.space.net 2001:608::1000:7
feed.news.tnib.de 2001:1b18:f:4::4
newsfeed.velia.net 2a01:7a0:3::254
news.isoc.lu 2001:a18:0:405:0:a0:456:1
ikaria.belnet.be 2001:6a8:3c80::39
newsfeed.teleport-iabg.de 2001:1b10:100::119:1
news.tnib.de 2001:1b18:f:4::2
kanaga.switch.ch 2001:620:0:8::119:2
erode.bofh.it 2001:1418:13:1::3
irazu.switch.ch 2001:620:0:8::119:3
bofh.it 2001:1418:13::42
newsfeed.atman.pl 2001:1a68:0:4::2
news.mb-net.net 2a01:198:292:0:210:dcff:fe67:6b03
news.gnuher.de 2a01:198:293::2
switch.ch 2001:620:0:1b::b
news.k-dsl.de 2a02:7a0:1::5
news.task.gda.pl 2001:4070:1::fafe
news1.tnib.de 2001:1b18:f:4::2
aspen.stu.neva.ru 2001:b08:2:100::96
novso.com 2001:1668:2102:4::4
citadel.nobulus.com 2001:6f8:892:6ff::11:133
feeder.news.heanet.ie 2001:770:18:2::c101:db29
news-zh.switch.ch 2001:620:0:3::119:1
news.szn.dk 2001:1448:89::10:d85d
news.litech.org 2001:440:fff9:100:202:b3ff:fea4:a44e
news.weisnix.org 2001:6f8:892:6ff:213:8fff:febb:bec3
news.panservice.it 2001:40d0:0:4000::e
nntp.eutelia.it 2001:750:2:3::20
bolzen.all.de 2001:bf0::60
newsfeed.esat.net 2001:7c8:3:1::3
news.snarked.org 2607:f350:1::1:4
feed1.news.be.easynet.net 2001:6f8:200:2::5:46
aotearoa.belnet.be 2001:6a8:3c80::58
news.babsi.de 2a01:198:292:0:230:48ff:fe51:a68c
news.muc.de 2001:608:1000::2
newsfeed.carnet.hr 2001:b68:e160::3
news.nask.pl 2001:a10:1:ffff::3:c9a2
news.linuxfan.it 2001:4c90:2::6
texta.sil.at 2001:858:2:1::2
news.stupi.se 2001:440:1880:5::10
news.supermedia.pl 2001:4c30:0:3::12
news.trigofacile.com 2001:41d0:1:6d44::1
nuzba.szn.dk 2001:6f8:1232::263:8546
geiz-ist-geil.priv.at 2001:858:666:f001::57
newsfeed.sunet.se 2001:6b0:7:88::101
news.pimp.lart.info 2001:6f8:9ed::1
glou.fr.eu.org 2001:838:30b::1
news.germany.com 2001:4068:101:119:1::77
feeder.z74.net 2001:610:637:4::211
news.nask.org.pl 2001:a10:1:ffff::3:c9a2


+---------------- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C ----------------+
| Mike Leber        Wholesale IPv4 and IPv6 Transit      510 580 4100 |
| Hurricane Electric                                           AS6939 |
| mle...@he.net     Internet Backbone & Colocation      http://he.net |

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