DDoS drones - especially with botnets - can produce a really large zone

To start with google "spamhaus drop list". Then look at the cbl and
see if you think its worth using as a bgp feed

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Nuno Vieira - nfsi telecom
<nuno.vie...@nfsi.pt> wrote:
> Hi Suresh,
> But in the meanwhile, a decade later, it does not longer exist.
> At least, i can't reach that host, and i was unable to find working 
> documentation on google of how about this project works, today.
> In fact, the first link that google gave out, says that this project is dead 
> at least 2 years ago.
> http://www.dnsbl.com/2007/02/status-of-rblmapsvixcom-invalid-domain.html
> I think that we all have a real opportunity here for make something that can 
> be useful to all.
> And, we are not talk of spam here, but, to mitigate time, money and patience 
> consuming DDoS attacks, which often are easier to mitigate only at the Source 
> and at the Destination, while at Destinatation, sink is the only viable 
> solution that is out there today.
> regards,
> ---
> Nuno Vieira
> nfsi telecom, lda.
> nuno.vie...@nfsi.pt
> Tel. (+351) 21 949 2300 - Fax (+351) 21 949 2301
> http://www.nfsi.pt/
> ----- "Suresh Ramasubramanian" <ops.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Jens Ott - PlusServer AG
>> <j....@plusserver.de> wrote:
>> > - - What do you think about such service?
>> > - - Would you/your ASN participate in such a service?
>> > - - Do you see some kind of usefull feature in such a service?
>> > - - Do you have any comments?
>> Ah. rbl.maps.vix.com from about a decade back when it was available
>> as
>> a bgp feed. But only for ddos sources.
>> srs

Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.li...@gmail.com)

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