On 18/02/2009, at 9:32 AM, Mark Smith wrote:

Here are a couple of implementations of DHCPv6, including one that also
works under Windows. I played with one of them on my Linux boxes a
while back (I can't remember exactly which one), and it just worked:



Installable implementations don't really count if this is something my mother has to use. Perhaps an ISP gives customers a little "enabler" app to run that installs a DHCPv6 client, but that sounds nasty. Flashbacks to AOL/compuserve install disks.

SLAAC works out of the box right now for dual-stack hosts (ie. they can get DNS resolvers on v4). That is fine for the mean time, if you are planning to go IPv6-only to end hosts then things are going to get hard, stick with IPv4 NAT for now until OS X gets DHCPv6, and people have moved off XP and older OS X boxes.

...or, until we have another way of getting resolvers that has widespread adoption..

Nathan Ward

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