In a message written on Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 04:11:40PM -0500, Kevin Loch wrote:
> Leo Bicknell wrote:
> >It wouldn't be so bad if we could just turn it off.  Indeed, in
> >part you can.  On a static LAN there is no need for RA's.  Static
> >IP the box, static default route, done and done.
> >
> VRRPv6 however is relevant to static environments and also needs to
> (optionally) work with RA turned off.

Ah yes, another tagent, but absolutely.  VRRPv6 is needed not only
because you may want to go 100% static, but also because VRRP can
do things like tracking upstream interfaces that RA cannot do.

       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at

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