I think it's safe to define "real hardware" as hardware with ASIC's as
opposed to software based solutions.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Edward B. DREGER <

> DK> Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:30:16 -0500
> DK> From: Deric Kwok
> [ snip ]
> Let's blur the line a bit more:
> CompactPCI?  NICs such as those [apparently] offered by Cavium... or any
> other number of places working ARM/Freescale, MIPS, or PowerPC magic on
> NICs?
> What is "real" hardware, anyway?  Would a 26xx, 38xx, et cetera qualify
> under said definition?
> Eddy
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Josh Potter

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