See nLayer. That should be the gold standard. :)

On 2/20/09, Joe Maimon <> wrote:
> Charles Gucker wrote:
>>> What I am looking for is a best practice guide on community policy setup.
>>> Barring that, I plan to continue examining every publicly published
>>> guideline to try to produce one, but likely as not it will suffer from
>>> the
>>> all to common human failing of shortsightedness.
>> Feel free to look at our online collection of BGP Community guides.
>> Some are more extensive than others and some intentionally leave off
>> internal identifers.
>> As a yearly request, if anybody knows of guides out there that we do
>> not have listed, please let me know.
>> thanks,
>> charles
> Its a great list and resource, and the real problem I am looking to
> address is trying to create a best of breed out of them all.
> I want to express my appreciation to you and to anyone else involved in
> maintaining this resource.
> Thanks,
> Joe

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