On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Richey wrote:

AOL's Scomp is spam it's self.   If I read though 100 messages maybe one
message is really spam.   The other 99 are jokes, regular emails, maybe a
news letter from their church, etc.   Most people are lazy and would rather
click on the Spam button instead of unsubscribing for a list they subscribed
to in the first place.

 Why the hell can't AOL integrate the standard listserv commands integrated
 into many subscription emails into a friggin' button in their email
 client, right next to "Spam" (or even in place of it) that says

 I realize it could be used badly if globalized, but if AOL got off their
 duff and vetted some of the higher volume truly honest subscription
 emailers and allowed their emails to activate the Spam->Unsub button, it
 might save everyone some headaches.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/

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