On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 7:32 AM Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

> I will stick to the "clearly false" since it is now well to the point
> where we are in 2019-05-04 (even in local UT1, let alone UTC), studies are
> disabled (and have been since forever), no studies have been loaded, and my
> extensions still work quite fine, thank-you.  Attempting to install a "new"
> extension fails with a "bad signature" error.

Here's something interesting - a few times now, I've told Firefox to enable
Studies and then restarted ... but the Studies setting reverted to being

Maybe one of my other paranoia-enabling extensions is toggling it off ...
but if so, I haven't found it yet. Still investigating.


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