On Wed, May 08, 2019 at 07:47:56PM -0500, Bryan Holloway wrote:
> 100% true. But there is also a practical side to this ...
> When a NOC-ling, in their own local timezone, says, "hey, what happened 
> two hours ago?", they have to make a calculation. And that calculation 
> annoyingly depends on the time of year in many if not most locales 
> worldwide. And to make matters worse, some folks change at different 
> times of the year, so, if you're a global network ............
> Hawai'i and Arizona can add/subtract without looking at the damn 
> calendar. I'm just sayin' I'd like to see more of that.

Clocks are cheap. I have two on the wall; one is local time and
the other is marked GMT.
        - Brian

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