LACNOG 2019 call for presentations is open.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Jorge Villa <vi...@reduniv.edu.cu>
Date: jue., 6 de jun. de 2019 a la(s) 14:49
Subject: [lacnog] Call for Presentations - LACNOG 2019
To: Latin America and Caribbean Region Network Operators Group <

LACNOG 2019 - Call for Presentations

LACNOG, the Latin American and Caribbean Network Operators Group, will hold
its 2019 conference in the city of Panama from 7 to 11 October 2019,
co-located with the LACNIC 32 event. The LACNOG 2019 Program Committee is
pleased to invite the Internet community to submit their proposals for the

In line with the spirit of LACNOG, proposed topics must be geared towards
regional Internet development. The following is a non-exhaustive list of
some of the topics of interest for the LACNOG 2019 meeting:

•       Network operation and professional experiences, success stories
•       Internet of Things
•       MANRS
•       Community networks
•       IPv6 integration and deployment
•       Experiences with botnets, malware, spam, viruses, denial of service
attacks and exploit techniques
•       IP network architecture, sizing, configuration and administration
•       Routing and switching protocols, including unicast, multicast,
anycast, SDN, etc.
•       Applications for end users (e.g. e-mail, HTTP, DNS, NFVs, etc.)
•       Value-added services such as VPNs, distributed systems, cloud
computing, etc.
•       Peering, Internet traffic exchange, IXPs
•       Network data security and management, attack mitigation
•       Network monitoring, performance, measurements and telemetry
•       Network automation, evolution and convergence
•       Infrastructure and physical transport, including optical and
wireless networks
•       Legislation, regulations and Internet governance issues
•       Research and education

Possible presentation formats include:

•       Lightning talk: brief, 10-minute presentation plus 5 additional
minutes for questions
•       Presentation: 20-minute presentation plus 10 additional minutes for
•       Tutorial: 45-minute presentation plus 15 additional minutes for

Deadlines for the 2019 call for proposals will be as follows:

•       Reception of proposals: 6 June - 7 July 2019
•       Proposals will be accepted until: 7 July 2019 at 23:59 UTC-3
(Uruguay time)
•       Evaluation by the Program Committee: 7-18 July 2019
•       Announcement of results: 18 July 2019
•       Deadline for submitting final presentations: 1 August - 21
September 2019
•       Final presentations will be accepted until: 21 September 2019 at
23:59 UTC-3 (Uruguay time)
•       Event date: 7-11 October 2019

Applicants must submit a summary and a draft of their proposal along with a
brief biography and photograph using the form available at

If your work is selected, you authorize LACNOG and LACNIC to publish your
name, photograph, biography, and final work in the event program.

Regardless of the chosen format, all works must be presented in person at
the event venue.

Applicants whose proposals are accepted will be exempted from paying the
event registration fee but will not automatically receive financial
assistance for their travel and/or accommodation expenses. However, LACNIC
has a fellowship program to which speakers can apply independently to
obtain financial assistance to attend the event. When submitting your draft
to the LACNOG Program Committee, please specify whether you are applying
for a LACNIC fellowship.

Speakers presenting their work at the LACNOG 2019 conference will receive a
certificate acknowledging their participation.

For more information, go to http://www.lacnog.org/guiapresentaciones/.

Communications with the Program Committee will be handled through

We thank you in advance for your attention and look forward to your
proposals for LACNOG 2019.

The Program Committee

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