On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 10:41 AM Eric S. Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:

> The members of this list are, I think, much more aware tham most that
> a lot of critical Internet software is maintained by unfunded
> volunteers, and of the systemic risks that result from this.
> I'm attacking the problem at the root, applying what the Internet has
> taught us about decentralization and avoidiing single poimts of
> failure. In part because I'm currently struggling with medical bills
> (nothing life-threatening, just ankle surgery) but I've been worrying
> about the larger problem for a decade.
> Please read http://loadsharers.net
> Of course I would like everyone on here to take the pledge and spread
> the word in technical communities where they have influence. But
> beyond that, there are several members of this list who are clearly
> qualified to join as advisers. We're going to need that as the
> Loadsharers network scales up.

Interesting concept, and seems like a good idea. What's the end goal look
like? Encouraging folks to contribute to specific individuals directly may
be a little more difficult though, compared to, say, getting a legitimate
organization going that provides (likely objectively-determined
merit-based) payouts to the sort of folks you're talking about. Is that on
the table, or is the goal more to just encourage direct payments from one
individual to others?

I think many of us assume that doing the sort of work you're referring to
will definitely result in the regular receipt of many prestigious,
high-paying job offers. If that's not the case, maybe something else we can
do is to help find full-time employment/funding for folks who contribute
and need it.

Hope your ankle's feeling better soon!

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