On 19/07/18 11:02, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> So.. this is/was a legacy allocation, right?  with some 'not great'
> contact/etc info...
> the ARIN folk could have said: "Well.... sure! if the current folk who
> control access can positively show they do AND they don't mind parting
> with a /10... ok?"
> This ends up with a /10 of a /8 with better registration information
> and MAYBE better records keeping over time, right?
> that seems like a win to the ARIN community?

I see at least 2 /16 out of the mentioned /10 that are well documented in the 

As far as I know, there is an ongoing renumbering "project" to get Services out 
of 44.224/16 and 44.225/16 here in DL, but
from my perspective that is not finished yet. So that promisses some fun ...

also, I do not see the Covering /8 Route anymore at our Internet Edge Routers.


Best Regards
Michael Hayler (DC1SHM)

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