On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 1:20 PM Christoffer Hansen
<christof...@netravnen.de> wrote:
> Imagine ARIN did a take from RIPE NCC [Policy Proposal Idea?] and a
> policy came into effect of validating ALL 'OrgAbuseEmail' objects listed
> in the ARIN database.

Just to be precise, such a policy (2019-04) is still in a discussion
phase in RIPE and has already seen significant resistance.

You can, however, point fingers at APNIC instead, where pretty much
the same policy proposal from the same authors (prop-125) was already
implemented in apnic-127-v006 "Internet Number Resource Policies".

I think they will be planning to reach out to ARIN with the same text
right after the RIPE process ends this way or another.


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