On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 5:29 PM Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:
> Actually if ARIN doesn’t pull the resources, after notification and a grace 
> period to
> get them fixed, then what is the point in writing policy requiring that they 
> be up to
> date and working?  There needs to be checks and balances for systems to work. 
>  The only

It simplifies complaint language/interaction if there is an actual
official RIR policy being violated.
If the abuse POC bounces,  then you can contact the Admin and
Technical WHOIS e-mail
addresses  to tell them about the issue,  and why they should care.

"You should care, because your non-functioning abuse is a violation of
ARIN Registry Policy."
If  none of the WHOIS e-mail works,  then try calling to report the
issue as a last resort.

Finally, if none of those go directly to a working contact....  then
it seems like
the only option left is blacklisting.

And seems like
the RIRs ought to have a policy where when they confirm this; financial
sanctions as in penalty fines would be in order  to retain those  for whatever
organization not taking any of their IP Address Registration and availability
of contacts seriously.

> thing is what should the grace period be?


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