William Herrin wrote:

I think TCPng/UDPng with 32/48 bit port numbers combined with NAT/A+P,
which is obviously fully operational with existing IPv4 backbone, is

Not a fan of port numbers.

Separation between address and port is vague.

If we're going to replace TCP and UDP, initiate
the link with a name (e.g. dns name),

The point of TCP use IP address for identification is hosts
can confirm IP address is true by 3 way handshaking.

negotiate a connection ID and
continue with the connection ID.

No ports, no port scanning.

Only to replace well known port numbers by well known connection
IDs and port scanning by connection ID scanning?

> QUIC comes pretty close to getting it right.

It's another second system syndrome.

Keep using TCP/UDP as is except for port number length.

                                                Masataka Ohta

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