On Tue, Oct 8, 2019, at 20:47, JASON BOTHE via NANOG wrote:

> I realize this might not be the right list but I have a request to peer 
> on the Chicago Equinix IX to a 206.223.119 IP but we and many others 

That block is for Equinix-IX Dallas (at least according to PeeringDB).

> are on the 208.115.137 network. While I await a response from the 
> peering partner, I’d curious to know if this is an error, perhaps there 
> was a renumber at one time or I’m flat out just missing something. 

You can occasionally get stuff like this for multi-location IXPs run by the 
same operator, usually from people that do not (?? yet ??) fully understand how 
things work. Sometimes from people that only care of their view of things (when 
using remote-peering).

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