On Tue, 19 Nov 2019 13:39:56 -0500, Tom Beecher said:

> They are essentially equating 'business' with 'VPN provider'.

Not at all surprised.

Many moons ago, I had a Tor *relay* running on one machine in my home network,
and Hulu decided that my connections from a *different* home machine were
"VPN".  Now, if I were running a Tor *exit* node, I'd be totally OK with them
rejecting my non-Tor connections because they were NATed to the same outside IP
address - but Hulu should never have seen any packets from the relay and if I
*was* using a VPN I'd have a *different* IP address.

Near as I could determine, they were screen scraping the list of Tor relays
and conflating them with exit nodes. Never did figure out if it was stupidity
or malice driving that.

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