On Monday, U.S. FCC Chairman Pai and Canadian CRTC Chairperson Scott made the first official cross-border SHAKEN/STIR call.

Today, the U.S. FCC announced a proposed nearly $10 million fine for spoofed robocalls.

A U.S. telemarketing firm spoofed the caller-id of a competitor to make approximately 47,610 political robocalls shortly before a California State Assembly primary election.

I think this case is somewhat unusual for robocall spoofing, because the alleged perpetrator, victims, and 'crime scene' occured within the same jurisdiction.

While the FCC likes to announce large enforcement actions in splashy press releases, its actually bad about collecting fines. The FCC must rely on the Justice Department to initiate separate prosecution to enforce payment from non-license holders because the FCC can't do that itself. So don't expect anyone to actually pay soon (or ever).

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