On 3/Jan/20 20:42, Christopher Morrow wrote:

> Mike, I'd caution your use of: "other than in the bowels of large
> buildings" there... In office buildings (or residential buildings)
> which are LEED certified often you get glass coatings which reflect
> radio emissions (both reflect IN and reflect OUT) so.. in most
> 'modern' office buildings (which LEED certification, or equivalent)
> even standing next to a window you may not pick up LTE/3g from outside
> :(
> there are internal building deployment things, of course, which can be
> done... but not every building is equipped :(

Our office building, in Johannesburg, suffers from this very problem.

Eventually, the MNO's deployed little picocells inside our office to
help, but ultimately, staff just use wi-fi. Since they support VoWiFi as
well, voice calls seem to work just fine, over our internal wi-fi network.

While I'm sure the MNO's can see close to no performance from their
picocells in our office, they aren't sending anyone out there to fix it
because they know they are relying on our wi-fi network to deliver their
services to us. Figures.


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