Jesus was crucified during the later years of the reign of Tiberius

Hadrian on the other hand would have been loved by 45 for his dedication to 
building the wall


From: NANOG <> on behalf of Mark Seiden <>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2020 11:47 PM
To: Large Hadron Collider; Valdis Klētnieks
Subject: Re: Prominent horse racing identities (was Re: Elad Cohen)

Wasn’t Hadron a Roman emperor who can somehow be blamed for the killing of 
(or was that Jebus?)

or was that Hadrian?  I forget…)

(jest sayin’…)

On Jan 27, 2020, 9:41 AM -0800, Valdis Klētnieks <>, 
On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 07:10:02 +0000, Large Hadron Collider said:
As much as Mr Cohen's minor libel of Spamhaus and ARIN exposes him as perhaps
having something to hide on this subject, Mr Guilmette's message here, among
the other screeds of his I have read, seems to leak anti-Semitism from its
every fetid, infected pore.

Man, that must be one really high-frqequency dog whistle, because I'm not 
seeing it.

The closest I can come is the statement that "Cohen sits in impunity in
Israel", which combined the next part about him having a US based lawyer, only
indicated to me that getting the US legal system to get the Israel legal system
to do something is difficult.

And tagging on "every fetid, infected pore" certainly demonstrates that you
don't have any real intention of being fair-minded.

List management: I think we have a good candidate for somebody to be
frog-marched to the exit.....

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