

Would like to take a poll on whether you folks tend to treat your
transit/peering connections (BGP sessions in particular) as pets or rather
as cattle.

And I appreciate the answer could differ for transit vs peering connections.

However, I'd like to ask this question through a lens of redundant vs
non-redundant Internet edge devices.

To explain, 

a.      The "pet" case:

Would you rather try improving the failure rate of your transit/peering
connections by using resilient Control-Plane (REs/RSPs/RPs) or even
designing these as link bundles over separate cards and optical modules? 

Is this on the bases that doesn't matter how hard you try on your end (i.e.
distribute your traffic to multitude of transit and peering connections or
use BFD or even BGP-PIC Edge to shuffle thing around fast, any disruption to
the eBGP session itself will still hurt you in some way, (i.e. at least some
partial outage for some proportion of the traffic for not insignificant
period of time) until things converge in direction from The Internet back to


b.      The "cattle" case:

Or would you instead rely on small-ish non-redundant HW at your internet
edge rather than trying to enhance MTBF with big chassis full of redundant

Is this cause eventually the MTBF figure for a particular transit/peering
eBGP session boils down to the MTBF of the single card or even single
optical module hosting the link, (and creating bundles over separate cards
-well you can never be quite sure how the setup looks like on the other end
of that connection)?

Or is it because the effects of a smaller/non-resilient border edge device
failure is not that bad in your particular (maybe horizontally scaled)


Would appreciate any pointers, thank you.

Thank you




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