On 16/Mar/20 16:13, Rubens Kuhl wrote:

> Most misinformation is being carried nowadays by peer-to-peer
> messaging (like WhatsApp) and social networks (like Facebook and
> Instagram), so even if a miracle device appeared and was put in front
> of all mail systems,  it would have very little effect.

As a friend of mine and I always say, "Command & Control is dead &
gone". All the power is now with the consumer. "Leaders" can't "tell and
bully" anymore; they need to learn how to listen and engage. That's all
they can really do.

The traditionalists need to get over themselves; they are no longer the
smartest people in the room anymore. Everyone is now the smartest
guy/gal in the room, whether that's true or not.

The Internet has made sure everyone is hyper-connected, and information
is everywhere!


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