On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 8:51 AM Livingood, Jason <
jason_living...@comcast.com> wrote:

> > Folks saw congestion from a massive free content drop this past week.
> > But as folks had called out, that was the CDN angle of distributing that
> content rather than the actual game play. There is a rather long discussion
> about that in the "akamai yesterday - what in the world was that" thread
> from Jan/Feb/March.
> > Whether people end up adjusting plans around large content distribution
> at this time, I guess remains to be seen.
> (*this is 100% my personal opinion**) Perhaps we are approaching at time
> when large content distribution events such as the one noted above will be
> configured so as to minimize any potential network effects (e.g. pushing to
> off-peak or applying server-side per connection rate limits). The Internet
> is a shared resource and as such we all share responsibility to work
> together and act in a way as to maintain the performance & reliability of
> the Internet as a whole.
> JL

Sadly, both marketing headlines and peering contracts / requirements reward
pushing ever higher peaks instead of smartly filling troughs.



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