On 17/Mar/20 20:06, Owen DeLong wrote:

> I don’t get this… X-Ray machines (and other critical medical equipment) 
> should operate in a fail-safe mode where a license screw up doesn’t prevent 
> the machine from operating.
> If the hospital hasn’t paid up, find a way to go after the hospital, but 
> don’t kill patients to collect your fee.

For my very simple 1+1 mind, I totally agree.

Perhaps, it's far easier to collect (overdue) fees with a gun to your
head, if I don't actually need to point one at you.

> Why should there be a license server at all? Why should an X-ray machine have 
> an external dependency like that in the first place, even if it’s a local 
> server?

My Google OnHub wireless AP is completely unmanageable if I (against
Google's advice) run it in Bridged mode. If I want to be able to reach
it and manage it with an app or a web site, it needs to run as a router,
even if all I want from it is to be an AP. You can guess who long mine
have gone without a software update, then...

Who knows why people come up with the BS they do?


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