On Friday, 20 March, 2020 07:52, Mike Hammett <na...@ics-il.net> wrote:

>Some of the pipes Netflix goes through is also used by other services
>that aren't as adaptable.

Can you explain why you think that is Netflix problem?

I should think that it is a problem being experienced by persons who 
deliberately chose to accept the risk that Internet congestion may be a problem 
for the path upon which they have deliberately chosen to embark.  That Risk 
might now come to fruition and those persons should be activating their 
pre-planned mitigation.  If their pre-planned mitigation was "well, Netflix can 
shut down", then they had (hopefully) defective mitigation planning.  Perhaps 
in the future they will do a better job of assessing Risk and mitigating that 

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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