I did error somewhere, yes. If I didn't read that part, didn't send the right 
link, etc. Not sure. 

Yeah, single-homed on Cogent IPv6 is a problem. 

Maybe I just assumed that if you had transit from someone, that you got IPv4 
and IPv6 service with them. Who doesn't do that? 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Radu-Adrian Feurdean" <na...@radu-adrian.feurdean.net> 
To: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> 
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2020 10:22:24 PM 
Subject: Free.fr vs HE.net IPv6 (Was: CISA: Guidance on the Essential Critical 
Infrastructure Workforce) 

On Sat, Mar 28, 2020, at 19:52, Mike Hammett wrote: 
> https://radar.qrator.net/as12322/providers#startDate=2019-12-27&endDate=2020-03-27&tab=current

Did you read the part about *IPv6* traffic ? 
Your link points to some IPv*4* relationship. Over IPv6, you get this : 


Note the "Active Now" part, which is only active for Cogent. 

And then, rather than taking QRator (which does a good job and has interesting 
information on a number of things - who buys transit from who *NOT* being one 
of those things - or at least not the public information) as word of absolute 
truth, did you test that bgp.he.net thinks about this ? Since HE is one of the 
parties, it does make sense to check their tools to see their point of view. 

Long story short: 
- Free.fr in known in France (where I happen to live and work) for only having 
Cogent as a transit for the last few years. 
- they are also known to peer (like "only exchange own routes and customer 
routes") with some "very big" networks (usually called "tier-1") : level3 and 
zayo among them. 
- Cogent and HE over IPv6 ... I suppose everybody knows the story..... 
- Free.fr depeered he.net about one week ago... 

There have been some exchanges of tentative traceroutes in both directions on 
FRnOG (French NOG) and things are clear : free.fr and he.net cannot exchange 
IPv6 traffic. 

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