Is there really not already an RFC or BCP for a standard abuse reporting
format? Even if what constitutes abuse is up for debate, a formatting
standard would make processing and automation much easier.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 9:18 AM Andrey Kostin <> wrote:

> Maybe there is a market opportunity there? Develop reporting standard
> (or use one that was posted here), then develop reporting, processing
> and analytic tools, and then provide it as a service? Looks like a nice
> use case how to utilise clouds ;)
> Kind regards,
> Andrey
> Mike Hammett писал 2020-04-30 08:10:
> > I did not want to target anyone in particular, so I have responded to
> > my original e-mail. I have seen comments about the big guys just
> > ignoring everything. I have had a non-zero number of e-mails from each
> > of Azure, GCP, AWS, and Hetzner claiming that they have acted on my
> > report. It isn't a significant percentage, but they're doing something
> > about some of the reports.
> >
> > I don't think I've seen anything back from the biggest offender,
> > Digital Ocean, other than auto-responders acknowledging the report.
> >
> > -----
> > Mike Hammett
> > Intelligent Computing Solutions
> >
> >
> > Midwest-IX
> >
> >
Matt Erculiani

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