> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 03:41:25AM +0200, Peter Lothberg wrote:
> > > > There are three solutions to the problem;
> > > >
> > > >         A: Put a armed soldier every 150ft on the fiber path.
> > > >
> > > >         B: Make the infrstructure so redundant that cutting things
> > > >            just makes you tired, but nothing hapens.
> > > >
> > > >         C: Do nothing.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > As the society becomes more and more dependent on the infrastructure
> > > > for electronic communication, my suggestion to policy makers has been
> > > > that it should be easier to imprison all the government officials of a
> > > > contry than knocking out it's infrastrcture.
> > 
> > -P
>       Yo, Peter.  You speak of "infrastructure" as if it was a monolithic 
> thing.
>       Why would you think that some localized NoCal fiber cuts would be 
> taking out
>       the whole countrys infrastructure?
> --bill

If you are talking residential access, in the future when people work
from home, the study we did in 2000 came down to that you can only
loose 30 subs on a single-point-of failure tehing, and the
recomendation was to interlave them, so your neighbour would have

While on this, we have an even bigger problem, the impact of loosing
power is bigger, but their system has not gained the same amount of
complexity as ours in the last 100 years.. (the book from 1907 on
power-lines is still applicable.)


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