The problem of been LoS is a big problem in metro as far as I know.
You can't just put a pair of FSO gear without going to the building owner to talk about rights and cost. Not forgetting lighting protection and other stuff.

Murphy, Brian S CTR USAF ACC 83 NOS/Det 4 wrote:
I haven't seen any mention of the possible use of FSO (Free Space Optics) by the provider 
to restore some reasonable amount of connectivity during an outage due to a fiber cut.  I 
would expect that having 2 or 3 pairs of FSO boxes to provide a "reduced failover 
capacity" in metro areas would be a reasonable measure to ensure service for 
extended physical (fiber break, cut, backhoe) outages - although not necessarily for 
power.  Yes, it would take some time to roll them out and set them up, but less time than 
the crew working the splices, and the folks handling the FSO boxes should be different 
from the fiber splice truck roll crew.

Note that a power outage would not allow microwave to be an effective 
remediation method either.

Plus, FSO's use of lasers (vice microwaves) means no issues with spectrum 
(AFAIK).  Granted, they have limited distance and require LoS, but using two or 
more pairs can probably handle the 80% situation in the metro (unless there is 
data to indicate otherwise).


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