On 21/Jul/20 21:21, William Herrin wrote:

> The Software Defined Network concept started as, "Let's use commodity
> hardware running commodity operating systems to form the control plane
> for our network devices." The concept has expanded somewhat to: "Lets
> use commodity hardware running commodity operating systems AS our
> network devices." For example, if you build a high-rate firewall with
> DPDK on Linux, that's now considered SDN since its commodity hardware,
> commodity OS and custom packet handling (DPDK) that skips the OS.
> This is happening a lot in the big shops like Amazon that can afford
> to employ software developers to write purpose-built network code.

It's possible that I wasn't clear.

For the avoidance of doubt, "we still don't know what SDN means to us"
means "we are not sold on the snake oil".


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