On 24/Jul/20 09:53, Wayne Bouchard wrote:

> Well, I take the point of his comment to be not being curious to the
> point of inadvertantly doing damage to something that you were better
> off leaving alone until you found someone who could clue you in to the
> particulars. There are plenty of network engineers out there who, in
> going about their job--and especially when trying out new
> features, figuratively mashed their figures with that hammer.
> Curiosity, yes, but also self-discipline.

How you mold your engineers, and the kind of management you put them
under, will determine how useful they are to you, and themselves. Often,
having the potential to give you a competitive advantage, within your

No one came out the womb knowing how to build Internet networks. You've
hired well. Now train and mold well.

Your staff can be curious without breaking the network. That is the
responsibility of you, their leader.


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