On 24/07/2020 15:58, Mehmet Akcin wrote:
> Infrapedia is 100% free , all code open source, platform made for
> engineers by engineers. 
> https://github.com/infrapedia
> I am sure there are lots of room to improve. I appreciate everyone
> supporting it. If you want to look at the code and help implement a way
> to block spam bots, without overloading the system, I would be
> interested to help.
> No we will never share email, name, etc. 

Be more up-front then. Every opinion I've expressed has been from
opening the URL from the link and not liking what has happened when I've
tried to use the site.

As it stands this does not look like a good for the Internet website
("for engineers by engineers") in the same vein as Wikipedia, PeeringDB,
etc., and it's less functional than the other cable maps because of the
forced redirects.

It looks (and sounds from this thread) as a way to net some referral
bank on inquiries to these "partners", whom also apparently dictate how
you structure the site, and how you collect personal data.


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