I have what seems to be a good SRv6 test in my lab running XRv9k 7.0.2


But I'm wondering why the sniffer doesn't show the much-spoken-of SRH
(Segment Routing Header).. But rather, shows my L3VPN v4 traffic riding v6
and that's it.  Let me know if I'm seeing an SRH and just don't know it,


Ethernet - Type 0x86dd

Ipv6 - Next Header IPIP (4)

Ipv4 - icmp echo (my tests ce to ce end to end)


Those layers is all it shows.  I've read a lot about SRv6 with SID's inside
extension headers or segment routing header, but I'm not seeing it.


Any idea what this is that I'm seeing ?


I've configured the PE's IAW


I can give you more info if you wish.  





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