> On Sep 14, 2020, at 5:04 PM, John Levine <jo...@iecc.com> wrote:
> In article
> <CAP-guGUfDirM1d+h0w_MRgx-Nu0o64EVSsAEnXkSK8SODY_=d...@mail.gmail.com> you
> write:
>> I moved to Seattle. Today I found my grmail box subscribed to a
>> congressman's list from a nearby Washington jurisdiction. Not some
>> random congressman. And not any of the addresses I give out; my gmail
>> box's address which I don't. ...
> It's strange but I think it's not typical. I have given tagged
> addresses to lots of political candidates and am getting buckets
> of mail, like five a day from each of the presidential campaigns
> to those addresses.
> I am getting no political spam to my gmail box, and do not recall any
> that wasn't clearly due to nitwits signing me up who thought that my
> address (which is my name) was their address.
> R's,
> John
on a probably unrelated note, the new yorker has an interesting piece this week
about the
ultra invasive trump2020 app, provided by Phunware.
The writer claims in the last 'graph that they managed to track down an email
address she
never provided to the app:
“...the messages I began getting from the Trump campaign every couple of hours
were sent not only to the name and address I’d used to access the app. They
were also sent to the e-mail address and name associated with the credit card
I’d used to buy the phone and its SIM card, neither of which I had shared with
the campaign. Despite my best efforts, they knew who I was and where to reach