
Absolutely nothing. In fact, that is very close to what we had in mind in RFC 

But couldn't the same argument be used with regard to SRv6 when the network 
operator wants traffic to take the least-cost path from PE to PE?


Juniper Business Use Only
From: Robert Raszuk <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 5:51 PM
To: Ron Bonica <>
Subject: Re: SRm6 (was:SRv6)

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

Hi Ron,

>  If you want an IPv6 underlay for a network offering VPN services

And what's wrong again with MPLS over UDP to accomplish the very same with 
simplicity ?

MPLS - just a demux label to a VRF/CE
UDP with IPv6 header plain and simple

+ minor benefit: you get all of this with zero change to shipping hardware and 
software ... Why do we need to go via decks of SRm6 slides and new wave of 
protocols extensions ???


On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 10:17 PM Ron Bonica via NANOG 
<<>> wrote:

If you want an IPv6 underlay for a network offering VPN services, it makes 
sense to:

  *   Retain RFC 4291 IPv6 address semantics
  *   Decouple the TE mechanism from the service labeling mechanism

Please consider the TE mechanism described in draft-bonica-6man-comp-rtg-hdr 
and the service labeling mechanism described in draft-bonica-6man-vpn-dest-opt. 
These can be deployed on a mix and match basis. For example can deploy:

  *   Draft-bonica-6man-vpn-dest-opt only, allowing traffic to follow the 
least-cost path from PE to PE.
  *   Deploy draft-bonica-6man-vpn-dest-opt only, using a legacy method (VXLAN, 
RFC 4797) to label services.

In all cases, the semantic of the IPv6 address is unchanged. There is no need 
to encode anything new in the IPv6 address.


Juniper Business Use Only

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