Curious to hear if the community has had any real-world experience using Mellanox/Cumulus (nVidia) for L2/L3 things outside of the datacenter.

Like other vendors, notably Arista, they seem to be trying to move out of the datacenter and target SPs and the layer 3 market. Personally, I think Arista has worked out most of the kinks over the last few years, and we've been happy with their L3 solutions (e.g., the 7280s)

While Mellanox's chipset is intriguing, I get a sense of feature-itis from their marketing. (BGP, OSPF, NAT, we do it all etc.) No IS-IS support, I'm told ...

Anybody using these in production in an SP environment? And if so, any opinions, good or bad?

Feel free to reach out off-list if you prefer. Thank you,

                - bryan

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