On Apr 21, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Roger Marquis wrote:

John Curran wrote:
A) ARIN's not ignoring unneeded legacy allocations, but can't take
action without the Internet community first making some policy
on what action should be taken...  Please get together with folks
of similar mind either via PPML or via Public Policy meeting at
the the Open Policy Bof, and then propose a policy accordingly.

Thanks for the reply John, but PPML has not worked to-date.  Too many
legacy interests willing and able to veto any such attempt at a sustainable netblock return policy. Not sure how us folks, of a similar mind as it were, would be able to change that equation. IMO this change has to come from the top down. Towards that goal can you give us any hint as to how to
effect that?

At this point, the community consists of far more non-legacy holders
than legacy holders. Additionally, nobody has "VETO" power other than
the ARIN Board as a body in the policy development process.

As such, I don't think that your argument quite fits the situation.

If folks of a similar mind are able to put a policy proposal together
and submit it to pol...@arin.net (there's a template on the ARIN
web site), it will receive the same treatment as any other policy

How the community as a whole reacts to the proposal is another
matter, but, if a substantial majority of the community feels the
policy proposal is a good one, then, it should be possible to
obtain consensus. If that's not the case, then, I'm not sure how
you can justify implementing such a policy contrary to the
consensus of the community.

I hope there is no way to effect a top-down policy within ARIN since
we work very hard to maintain a bottom up policy process. If there
is, then, something is very broken.


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