On 12/26/20 13:41, Nuno Vieira wrote:

Once upon a time a wise main said “Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640k of ram?”

While everyone will take a chance at using this line at some point in a computing career, it's somewhat disingenuous to compare (or equate) the 640KB of RAM to anything today. There is always bare minimums we must hit before any additional infrastructure does not yield any further value. In economics, I believe it's called the Law of Diminishing Returns.

640KB may not be sufficient for any personal device today. However, what would you do with 256GB of RAM on your computer that you can't do with 64GB, in a home/domestic setting, as an average user?

Yes, 1Mbps of bandwidth is likely too small for today's Internet, but what would you do with 10Gbps that you can't with, say, 750Mbps?

Maybe we shall have VR on our devices which will make Zoom much more pleasant to use, but for as long as you don't see any 10Gbps CPE or XG-PON roll-outs happening en masse, that should signal something to you.

There was a time when the number of megapixels on a phone or camera was the most important thing. That doesn't matter anymore, to the point of actually more megapixels returning poorer image quality. Just compare a photo taken in WhatsApp vs. a photo taken in Apple's native Camera app, same device. The smarts aren't in the hardware anymore.

Similarly, while 10Gbps to the home may have sounded completely noteworthy in 2005, surprisingly, perhaps less so in 2020. Likely because the way the Internet works, how data is delivered, how it is stored, the role of the device, e.t.c., all make the case for either more bandwidth (on the provider/backbone side) or less bandwidth (on the consumer side).


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