On 1/10/21 10:24 AM, Töma Gavrichenkov wrote:

On Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 9:18 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:
At my previous job, I built a tool which could spin up a server farm
given a platform agnostic design spec from a list of vendors as well as
pricing it out. It was really more of a prototype since it only
supported Chef on the spin-up side, but it showed that you could move
things pretty quickly if need be.
That's not just the provisioning, you also need an independent cluster
management and scheduling (hence Nomad).  But yes.

The real point of the tool was to capture all of those architectural features so they could be compared and contrasted. Some of them are fungible, some of them are not. Knowing the non-fungible ones gives you a window into lock ins.


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