On 1/10/21 4:48 PM, Dan Hollis wrote:
On Sun, 10 Jan 2021, Michael Thomas wrote:
On 1/10/21 3:15 PM, Izaac wrote:
On Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 12:01:46PM -0800, Michael Thomas wrote:
Considering that it seems that there continues to be talk/planning of armed
insurrection, I think we can forgive them for violating professional
Got links?
Ask Google, Apple and Amazon. I'm sure they have the receipts.

You made the claim.

I also said "seems" which means that I won't be bothered dredging up documentation for something easily looked up by people trying to excuse the inexcusable. I've seen bits and pieces from the open sewer. That is quite enough.


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