The power market in Texas has utterly failed.

Ms. Lady Benjamin PD Cannon, ASCE
6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC 
"The only fully end-to-end encrypted global telecommunications company in the 

FCC License KJ6FJJ

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> On Feb 16, 2021, at 9:15 PM, Peter Beckman <> wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Feb 2021, Robert Jacobs wrote:
>> How about letting us Texans have more natural gas power plants or even
>> let the gas be delivered to the plants we have so they can provide more
>> power in an emergency.  Did not help that 20% of our power is now wind
>> which of course in an ice storm like we are having is shut off... Lots of
>> issues and plenty of politics involved here..
> Turns out that you Texans already get a majority of your power from
> Natural Gas.
> So there's already a significant amount of power from natural gas already.
> Things I learned about the most-of-Texas Grid today:
>    - Natural Gas plants provide MORE THAN HALF of their total electricity
>        generation in 2019 (WOW!)
>    - Texas has their own grid to avoid Federal regulation.
>    - Texas does have some links to other grids but they don't trigger federal
>        regulation for some reason.
>    - Texas is the largest energy-producing and energy-consuming state in
>        the nation. The industrial sector, including its refineries and
>        petrochemical plants, accounts for half of the energy consumed in the
>        state.
>    - 5 Gigawatts of coal-fired capacity has retired since 2016, and
>        supplies 20% of power currently.
>    - Wind power provided about 17% of their usage
>    - There are two nuclear plants in Texas, only providing 10% of power.
>    - One of those nuclear plants are offline due to weather-related issues.
> From the WashPost: "The Texas grid got crushed because its operators didn’t 
> see the need to
> prepare for cold weather"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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