Can we end this troll here

 J. Hellenthal

The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

> On Mar 20, 2021, at 20:48, Eric Kuhnke <> wrote:
> It's one thing to use a GUI tool when it's convenient and quick. I think 
> anyone that's ever experienced setting up a Unifi controller would probably 
> prefer provisioning a new 802.11ac AP from the GUI rather than doing it 
> manually at a command line. 
> But it's another thing to consider that we have a whole new generation of 
> people who don't know and don't care what's going underneath the GUI and 
> might not be able to do anything with the OS running on bare metal, if they 
> have to. 
> If we intend to abstract away configuring devices to a GUI level only and not 
> care about what's going on under the hood, then it's time for everyone to 
> just run out and renew their MCSE certifications and buy Meraki subscriptions.
>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 6:35 PM David Siegel <> wrote:
>> ...not to mention that all mature networks are moving more towards GUI front 
>> ends for their automated network.  As the complexity of a network increases, 
>> CLI access becomes considerably more risky.
>> The idea that "real engineers use the CLI" is dinosaur thinking that will 
>> eventually land those with that philosophy out of a job.  Just my personal 
>> $.02 (though I'm certainly not alone in my opinion).
>> But I'd like to reiterate that the board's goal with modernization is not to 
>> alienate anyone from the existing community by forcing them into a 
>> web-interface.  Discourse is under evaluation, and if it doesn't accomplish 
>> the goal we'll try something else or build our own tool.
>> Dave
>>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 6:52 PM Matthew Petach <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 5:13 PM scott <> wrote:
>>> [...] 
>>>>  Of course, one would 
>>>> not find an HTTP GUI on the bigger networks dealt with on this list; 
>>>> only on the tiny networks.  So they're beginning learners and are, of 
>>>> course, welcome.  They will lean a lot, just as I did in the early days 
>>>> and do every day now days.
>>> [...] 
>>>> scott
>>> Let's see...
>>> Google: Gmail
>>> Microsoft: Hotmail/Outlook/Office365
>>> Yahoo/VerizonMedia: Yahoo Mail
>>> I'd have to say, there's some pretty big networks on this list that 
>>> use HTTP GUIs for their email.
>>> Of course, you might be big enough that you look down on the 
>>> networks of Google, Microsoft, and VZM as "tiny networks" -- in 
>>> which case, you're definitely entitled to your opinion, as all 8000
>>> pound gorillas that look down on the puny 800 lb gorillas are.  ;)
>>> Matt

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