On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 09:55:02AM -0600, Grant Taylor via NANOG wrote:
> On 3/21/21 8:03 AM, Noah wrote:
> >Well baby boomers & gen-x will struggle to dump mail...I mean it
> >simple and just works.
> Indeed.
> There's also the fact that it comes to you as opposed to you going to it.
> >We were trying to get a community of newbie techies mostly
> >millennials & gen-z to actively engage on a list we subscribed
> >them too for the past 2 years and believe me, I can count no more
> >than 10 posts mainly from we few mailing list folk...
> >
> >When we requested for feedback, them gen-z cried out loud for
> >interactions to happen on some social media app through groups or
> >channels, and since they are the target audience and the majority,
> >we settled for discord and telegram which they actively engage on
> >:-).
> I must be ignorant as I don't grok this.

On the other hand, I suspect majority of youngsters will never grok
email. This will be thanks to mental gap promoted by some vendors, who
certainly do not like it that anybody could, for example, set up email
server and exchange thoughts outside of their zone of control. So,
those who want to use email are capable of writing more than decent
MUA for free, while those who do not want email are unable to do it,
despite having heaps of money and paid programmers.

As of multiple fora and all-day clicking, well, it is better to keep
all those techies busy with something, lest they invent an idea and go
out to start rival business...

I am not going to suggest the big guys actively conspire but driving
people away from things-that-work is not hurting their profits, so why
would they want to change this?

I am not going to lament much, either. It is just how it goes. On the
brighter side, there will also be a minority, who will come to email
exactly because they will be aspiring power users. I think there will
always be some aspiring power users, so it is not going to be only bad.

Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.      **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home    **
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...      **
**                                                                 **
** Tomasz Rola          mailto:tomasz_r...@bigfoot.com             **

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