I am doing this right now. A starlink CPE is a fairly ordinary DIA link
that exists in cgnat space from the perspective of whatever router you plug
into it. The starlink indoor 'router' is optional.

Whatever you plug into the high power PoE injector will be given a DHCP
lease and a default route out to the world. People who don't want to DIY a
dual-WAN solution with their own Linux box or pfsense or similar can use
things like peplink routers.

In difficult to reach places in the world I can see starlink with a
low-bandwidth traditional VSAT link as backup/failover as a fairly common
configuration. Or starlink as primary and local HSPA+/HSDPA/LTE (whatever
3GPP related) as a failover.

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 12:37 PM Matt Erculiani <merculi...@gmail.com>

> I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if anyone out there was trying to
> mix their StarLink kit and existing broadband service to optimize
> performance and/or add redundancy though.
> The underlying technologies will change, but what people try to do with
> them will remain relatively unchanged.
> Back 20 years ago people were talking about their Frame Relay P2P
> services, now they talk about their Ethernet P2P services.
> -Matt
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 1:10 PM Aaron C. de Bruyn <aa...@heyaaron.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 11:39 AM Matt Erculiani <merculi...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think the best way to think about what 10 years from now will look
>>> like is to compare 10 years ago to the present:
>>> https://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog/2011-April/thread.html
>> Multi-homing your DSL connection?
>> I can't wait to multi-home my 10x10 array of StarLink satellites in a few
>> years...
>> -A
> --
> Matt Erculiani

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